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Mas Bas. Lac du Menhir is named after the historic stone visible in the water, "Menhir" meaning standing . If you want to enquire about availability, make a booking or have any other questions, we can be contact by e-mail at carplakefrance@aol.com, via our Facebook page or by phone (UK landline - 01287 669229, UK Mobile - 07792 937707. 7/8 people max 5 anglers. Echo Pool contains at least 14 carp over 50lbs with four fish over the 70lb mark! The accommodation can sleep up to 4 and the lake is perfect for 2 anglers. Mystiques . Over 1000 carp have been stocked in the lake up to 50lb+. Youll stay in a luxury stone gite which can sleep up to 6. With a beautiful two bed house looking over both lakes, it makes a very relaxing and comfortable stay for your entire time here at ourcarp lake with accommodation in France. Your Private exclusive French lake is family carp fishing holiday heaven. All Rights Reserved, [ads-wpsitecount image=lcd1glass.jpg imgmaxw=100 width=100 whunit=px height=0 block= align=center]. Mas Bas is an 80-acre estate with two lakes specialising in exclusive carp fishing holidays that have facilities for everyone to enjoy. Le Grand Pierre has approximately 20 pegs on the lake. Only a 2 hour drive from Calais, Lac du Menhir is a mature 6 acre lake with 2 islands and 10 swims. 3A Falcon Fields, Fambridge Road, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6YP. Carp fishing in France with accommodation is perfect for anglers who may not wish to night fish all the time or if you are booking a family carp fishing holiday. Exclusive carp fishing in France at Etang Les Burons. on the lake. However, Vincons do not offer tackle hire. EMV France. A seriously impressive stock for a lake exclusive venue including 6 known 50+ fish to 55lbs and 12 or more 40s. Cheshire Lake is a 7 acre French carp lake which can accommodate up to 6 anglers during any given week. 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Carp lake with accommodation in France, Copyright 2020 Ladignac Lakes. At L'Angottiere we offer quality French Carp fishing with a choice of superb accommodation set in quiet surroundings. There are between 100 to 120 carp in the lake. There a 2 private lakes just a stones throw away from the accommodation which you will have exclusive use of for the duration of your holiday. 2023 Season Lake 2 - 1500 per week, exclusive bookings up to 4 anglers, 6 swims & Lakeside Cabin. The accommodation can sleep up to 6 and in addition to the two fishing lakes which you will have exclusive use of, there is a pool, jacuzzi, table tennis table and even a bouncy castle! We list over 25 of the very best private fishing lakes in France with accommodation, swimming pools and even hot tubs, all available to UK carp anglers for holiday bookings. There are 4 swims on the lake, all being on the near bank. We have fish in our lakes withmirrors up to and over50 lbs and commons up to and over 40 lbs. Looking for one week, between 24/7/2020 to 24/8/2020, This is an established big fish venue near the city of Limoges in southwest-central France. Lac Claudette is a 7 acre gravel pit with crystal clear waters, located near the village of Ballots. Le Glandon is set in the Burgundy region of east-central France historically producing 50lb, 60lb and 70lb+ carp. Enjoy our luxury accommodation with a 5 person jacuzzi, swimming pool, terrace and garden. Exclusive use of Genets Carp Lake for up to 4 people. This swim includes your own private wooden chalet. Established as a Carp Fishing Lake since 2004 with a stock of truly stunning Carp to over 50lb in the peaceful Mayenne region of France, a perfect setting for your Carp fishing holiday in France. We have fish in our lakes with mirrors up to and over 50 lbs and commons up to and over 40 lbs. With an average weight of 40lbs and the lakes largest resident being just under 60lbs there is some seriously big carp to be caught. Lake suitable for up to 4 anglers Located in North West France The accommodation at La Froterie is simply stunning and very tastefully decorated. Its 5 hours drive from Calais or 3 hours from Caen and less than 3 hours from St Malo. Etang Bertie is situated in the idyllic Brittany region of France. With carp to over 45lb, and a very good average weight in the mid 30s, fishing is pretty straightforward at Mystique and should provide some memorable catches for all. A mature and intimate venue with carp to 50lbs, available on a lake exclusive basis. Ideal for a social. There is a covered outdoor swimming pool and a hot tub, not to mention an 8 acre carp lake with carp to nearly 60lbs. Welcome to Les GravellesLuxury Carp Fishing in France with house sleeping up to 6private swimming pool and exclusive carp lake. Birch Pool retreat is the perfect getaway for those looking for a quiet secluded lake, lakeside accommodation and Monster carp. There is also an additional cottage that can be hired on site to sleep a further 4 people allowing a total of 8 guests to enjoy this property. Theres a good stock of carp to just under 50lbs in this 3 acre lake which is ideal for 2 to 3 anglers. With a maximum of 6 anglers fishing during any week and 9 spacious swims available theres always the opportunity to move. Take a look at these; 1. What To Expect Here At Etang Les Burons. With carp stocked to over 60lb, the four acre lake will impress any angler. 2023 Season Lake 1 - 1150 per week, exclusive bookings up to 3 anglers, 4 swims & Lakeside Cabin. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Petite Retreat is home to a stunning 4-acre carp lake and breathtaking surroundings, suitable for the whole family. Latest news from Puyravaud. We now have free Fibre Wi-fi too We provide exclusive carp fishing holidays in France, and are only 90 minutes from the nearest ferry port of St Malo. . Birchpool Retreat is a stunning carp lake located in the heart of the French countryside, just a short distance from Limoges. The lake has 4 double swims and can be fished my a maximum of 8 anglers. Best Carp Fishing in France with Luxury Accommodation. With 16 seasons under our belt we and our happy customers regard us as one of thee premium exclusive hire carp lakes tucked away in Limoges France The total stock is now well over 80 fish in 2 acres with a lake record carp of 55lb and catfish of over 100lb. Carp Fishing Holidays In France. In the stunning french countryside its peace and tranquility at its finest Except when your alarm goes off! The lake itself is around 3 acres in size, and is stocked with a variety of species including mirror and common carp, as well as other coarse fish. The chalet includes 2 beds and a kitchen area with a sink, gas cooker and gas fridge. Beausoleil Carp and Cats - La Havre - 283 km, Caen - 189 km, St Malo - 123 km. 5. Les Croix offers a unique stock of big carp to 70lb, luxury lakeside accommodation and a swimming pool. Find out more by accessing our. Currently the average carp is close to 45lb. Authentico is a 17 acre French carp lake which can accommodate up to 12 anglers during any given week. The lake at La Petite Coquais is approximately 3 acres in size, has 7 pegs and is suited to a maximum of 4 anglers per week. Registered at Companies House, Cardiff. Lake Catherine France Tour Watch on Pricing 1300 per week (2020) Exclusive bookings only - Max 4 anglers - 650 deposit 3,4 and 7 day special winter rates are available but the facilities will be restricted due to winterising For more information call BOB on 07766076912 or whatsapp Birchpool Retreat is a stunning carp lake located in the heart of the French countryside, just a short distance from Limoges. The venue has a charming wood-clad accommodation, that sits less than 20 meters from the lake. Discover our 20 acres lake and give you the opportunity to fish one of the most beautiful fish of your life !! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. There have also been Grass Carp caught to 60lb+. Sign up to receive our latest articles and carp fishing holiday inspiration, Your information is kept confidential, secure and only used for legitimate purposes in line with our, Our website uses cookies in order to offer you a better browsing experience. The lake stock now contains a good head of 100 plus carp, with commons and mirrors to 40lb ,Grass Carp to 45lb, Sturgeon to 20lb+, and Catfish to 40lbs. These include breakfast and dinner delivered to your swim, free tackle hire and the ability to purchase Bait as and when needed . About 2 hours 9 mins, St Malo - 126 km. The lake has easy access with a road running around its perimeter. You have the choice : Bivvy only Exclusive Bivvy Whats more there is a hot tub and even a purpose built swim so that you can fish from the lodge. Welcome to Bears Lake, ourstunning 3.75 acre spring and stream fed lake located in its own private woodland in the heart of the beautiful countryside of the north Dordogne, close to the border with the Limousin. Petite Retreat is a family run carp fishing lake situated in the beautiful region of Limousin in the South-West of France. The lake is 6 acres in size with lots of features such as a shallow plateaux to deep pockets of silt. The lake is arguably one of the most picturesque family friendly carp lakes in France and is lined with Willows, Silver Birch and Poplar trees. Again this all depends on the fishes feeding habits and weather. The compact cabin accommodation (sleeping up to 4 with a double bedroom & a sofa-bed in the living area) is modern and comfortable, equipped with everything you would expect. Surely this is the perfect fishing holiday? Alongside our 3 acre exclusive lake there is our lakeside lodge which comfortably fits 6 guests and two double bivvies on the island, recently upgraded during the 2021 season. In our guests opinion there is everything required to ensure your exclusive Fishing holiday is comfortable as well as providing the opportunity to land Monster Carp. The lakes listed below are all private fishing lakes which you will have exclusive use of for the duration of your holiday. The 2 acre lake sits in 16 acres of woods and fields, therefore giving you a sense of real seclusion. These cookies do not store any personal information. You really are spoiled for choice! Luxury Carp Fishing In France. The lake holds approximately 100 mirror carp and 40 common carp, with over 50% of the stock weighing in excess of 40lbs. We wanted to provide our customers with something a bit special and a bit different from most holiday venues in France, We have Big Beautiful carp to 62lb ,The carp start at 30lb+ . As our lodge is solar powered, we currently provide batteries to charge phones, bait boats etc. If you have any questions please send a message using the chat box below and well get straight back to you, Tick to accept terms and conditions and privacy policy. There is a smaller course fishing lake with a variety of species and carp to 20lbs. This is a fishmeal based boilie supplied by Loir Baits and tweaked a bit by Dave to our requirements. The cabin can sleep up to six people and includes a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, and a comfortable living area. A wonderful French carp lake for families or a group of anglers that want a bit more comfort. Small exclusive carp lakes in France French carp lakes with 70 lb carp French carp lakes runs waters Discover our venues "Majestic carp again and again" We had a great trip, the host were very nice people and we also in very hot weather pulled some very nice fish from lake 33lbs carp , 30 lbs grass carp and 60 lb sturgeon being the biggest! set in stunning private grounds, with Amazing luxury lakeside Accommodation second to none, so we have been told on many occasions, in ground swimming pool. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The fishing is not too difficult making it perfect for younger anglers too. An Exclusive booking with us in NW France includes 3 secluded & private lakes all over 2 acres. Lac Charmant has an impressive stock of big carp with roughly fifty 50s, six 60s and three 70lb+ carp. I am sorry to say that we cannot order the weather!!! Big carp, great accommodation sleeping four, swimming pool AND hot tub what could be better? One of the standout features of Birchpool Retreat is the on-site accommodation, which includes a charming lakeside cabin with all the modern conveniences you need for a comfortable stay. how competitive is pediatric dentistry residency,

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